Price guarantee
Price guarantee Dormy International
If you find within a 14-day period of your purchase of a product to a lower price from an other retailer regardless if it is online or in store, we will reimburse the difference. This is valid for all sales except sales that is referred to going out of business. Price guarantee is also valid if you find the product for a lower price on within the same 14-day period.
You need to be able to prove the lower price either with a link, catalog or ad where the product is shown with the lower price. The product need to be identical in regards to color, size, specifications, model and quantity for it to be valid. The found product needs also to be able to be purchased online and can not be out of stock. It is only valid on unused products in the original packaging.
How to exercise a price guarantee claim at
Reach out to our Customer service at [email protected]. Use “Price Guarantee” together with your order number in the subject line. Name which products is affected and the necessary proof of the existing lower price. If it is in a brick and mortar store or and ad please send over a picture where the full specifikations is displayed and contact info to the store. When we have confirmed the price difference and checked the material sent over, we will reimburse your original payment with the difference.
- The guarantee applies for 14 days after you as a customer have completed your purchase at
- The guarantee only applies to a comparison against sales in shops and e-shops in the local country and which are sold in local currency to customers residing in the local country. (That is a company from the local country).
- The guarantee only applies if the item can be bought in the store/online where the customer has found the price, it cannot be out of stock.
- The customer must be able to demonstrate the lower price, for example through a link, newsletter, catalog or advertisement where the item is offered at the lower price.
- The guarantee applies even if the competitor's price is a promotional price.
- The guarantee applies to exactly the same item, i.e. the same colour, size, design, model and quantity in packaging.
- The guarantee does not apply to bankruptcy sales.
- The guarantee applies to unused goods in their original packaging on presentation of a receipt.
- The guarantee also applies to goods purchased at during the same 14-day period.
- We will repay you the difference when we have checked the price.
- The price guarantee must be claimed within the current time period for the price with which the price guarantee is to be compared. This means that you must contact us within the relevant 14-day period.
- The price guarantee cannot be applied to shipping costs.
- The guarantee applies only to the stated or promotional price of the item. The price after using personalised discount codes or equivalent is therefore not covered by the price guarantee.